Nabeta Korean Romanized input text editor(Nabetaedit)
2008.8.29 Last Update for Windows Ver 0.8
2008.10.26 Last Update for Linux Ver 0.9
Nabetaedit is the Text editor for Windows Vista/XP/98 and Linux
free software.
You don't need use Korean keyborad.
because built-in Korean Romanize input method editor.
and built-in Korean Direct input method editor.
Ver 0.2 Can not use Clipboard function on Windows 98
Ver 0.3 Add Clipboard function on Windows 98(Update 2008/4/11)
Ver 0.3 Add command line parameter. userge: nabetaedit [filename](Update 2008/4/11)
Ver 0.4 Bug fixed Clipboard function on Windows 98(Ctrl+V)(Update 2008/4/14)
Ver 0.5 Bug fixed Enter code of Clipboard Paste(Update 2008/6/20)
Ver 0.5 Change kermap. 0-ng to 0-0.
Ver 0.5 Japanese Kanji to Hangul convert function added.
Ver 0.6(2008/6/22) add Clear message box.
Ver 0.8(2008/8/29) add Russian Screen keyboard.
Ver 0.8(2008/8/29) add Accent PAD.(Accent input box)
for Linux Ver 0.9(2008/10/26) add Undo and Redo function.
for Linux Ver 0.91(2008/10/28) bug fix(input area)
Download Ver 0.8 for Windows nabetaedit080_setup.exe(Installer type)
This is the Installer.
if you dislike Installer or mismatch your system, please try zip file.
Download Ver 0.8 for Windows file)
This is the zip file.
nabetaedit.exe is the run file. but You can make shortcut to Desktop or Program menu.
built-in automatic shortcut function.
menu->edit->Create shortcut to xxxx.
Download Ver 0.91 for Linux nabetaeditlinux091.tar.gz
Korean Hangul Direct input keymap and Screen keyboard pic
Korean Hangul Romanized input keymap
space key=decide
k(ㄱ , ㅋ , ㄲ)(toggle) b,p(ㅂ , ㅍ , ㅃ)(toggle)
t,d(ㄷ , ㅌ , ㄸ)(toggle)
c(ㅈ , ㅊ , ㅉ)(toggle)
s(ㅅ , ㅆ)(toggle)
a(아) , i(이) , u(우) , e(에) , o(오) , U(으) , E(애) , O(어)
ya(야) , yu(유) , yo(요) , kya(갸) , kyu(규) , kyo(교)
wa/oa(와) , wi/ui(위) , Wi/Ui(의) , we/oi(외) , We/ue(웨) , wE/oE(왜) , wo/uO(워)
sa si su se so(사시수세소)
na la/na ra(나라)
iss sUbni ta(있습니다)
ALT+K=KoreaRomaIME mode
ALT+O=KoreaDirectIME mode
ALT+N=nonIME mode
Linux font setting
necessary Korean font. Bitstream CyberCJK font etc.
font Script = ISO10646
necessary "fonts.dir" file edit.
Cybercjk.ttf -bitstream-bitstream cybercjk-medium-r-normal--0-0-0-0-c-0-iso10646-1
I am a Japanese.
Top page(Japanese site)
Russian Romanized Input Text Editor(Nabetaeditru)
Thai Romanized Input Text Editor(Nabetaeditth)
NabetaJisho(Dictionary software.built-in Korean romanized IME)鍋田辞書(Japanese site)